“True Power of You: Successfully Overcoming Stress” by Marios Skarvellis is a literary work that gives the reader tools to recognize, embrace, and unleash the innate power that we all have as human beings. Readers will find this book to be quite interesting, as it articulates ways that can lead to a total life change. This book focuses on the ways in which the mind affects the body, and the outcome of experiences and situations. Readers who are interested in rejuvenating their mind, body, and daily life habits would find this literary work to be quite valuable.

“True Power of You” is a concise read, making it easy to to read in a few short hours. The author uses philosophy and science to clearly put forth his messages about how thinking affects the body physically and biologically. Readers will find themselves underlining and highlighting many quotes they would like to apply to their daily lives, and share with people they know and love.
Many are familiar with the subjects in which Skarvellis highlights in his book. Yet the author has found a way to keep the subject matter fresh while illustrating a most profound perspective. Readers finish the book with an air of having attended a pleasant lecture composed of useful information.
This piece of literacy is a true hidden gem. A densely packed short, enjoyable book recommended for all who are looking to fortify their minds as they transition into a new year.
We had the pleasure of interviewing Marios, to learn more about his life experiences and the deeper meanings behind “True Power of You”. Visit HiddenGemsLiteraryEmporium.com to watch our interview with Marios Skarvellis.